
Resource Centre Christmas Closing


Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Resource Centre will close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 18th December, and will reopen on Monday 4th January. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Committee of the RDCA and from David, Stephen and Caroline.

Tuesday Club Christmas Dinner

Tuesday 1 December 2015

This year's Tuesday Club Christmas Dinner will be held on Thursday 10th December. Anyone interested in attending should contact Shauna to confirm by Friday 4th December.

Launch of Rathlin's Local Biodiversity Action Plan

Friday 20 November 2015

LBAP 1_0.jpg

A large groups of island residents turned up to Bruce's Kitchen on Tuesday afternoon for the official launch of Rathln's Local Biodiversity Action Plan. Both the island's Tuesday Club and the pupils and staff of St Mary's Primary School had been centrally involved in the formation of the Plan, which used the island's twenty two townlands as a way of exploring Rathlin's very special flora and fauna.

Home Care Workers

Monday 16 November 2015

The Northern Health and Social Care Trust - after discussions with the RDCA - is now seeking to recruit Home Care Workers based on the island. The posts will have 20 hour per week fixed term contracts - to be reviewed annually. The Trust also intends to create a waiting list for as and when required cover for staff leave.

Church Bay Area Consultation Event Report

Friday 23 October 2015

The report based on the Church Bay Area Consultation Event that was facilitated on the island by Rural Community Network and DARD last July is now available for viewing in the Resource Centre.

Bulky Goods Lorry

Thursday 15 October 2015

The Council lorry for disposal of bulky goods will be on the island on next Tuesday 20th October, arriving on the 10.30 ferry and leaving on the 3.00. A sweeping lorry will also be coming over at a later date to clean the harbour area.

Septic Tank Emptying

Monday 12 October 2015

Residents should phone NI Water on 0845 744 0088 as soon as possible to get on the septic tank emptying waiting list. The lorry will only come over to the island when there are enough households on the list.

Home Fire Safety Checks

Wednesday 30 September 2015

The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service has asked us to remind island residents that free home fire safety checks are available to all, and should be carried out periodically.

Refugee Crisis Response

Monday 7 September 2015

As many island residents will already know, a group on the mainland called Moyle - Calais Refugee Solidarity has organised collections of clothes, blankets, tents etc. for the refugees in Calais, and now also for those on Kos and other Greek islands.

The items that are urgently needed for Calais include:

Tents (especially 4-person plus)
Heavy duty rubbish bags
Blankets and sleeping bags
Mens warm winter clothes in small and medium sizes
Mens scarves, hats and gloves
Mens shoes (runners and walking shoes only)
Candles and torches

Torr Head Tidal Energy

Monday 27 July 2015

Tidal Ventures Ltd - Marine Licence Application

The Environmental Statement and other documents are available to view in the Resource Centre up until Monday 7th September 2015.

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Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375