
RDCA voting procedure meeting

Monday 19 September 2011

Thanks to those who came along to the meeting on voting procedures last week, and others who sent in apologies. There were not enough people present for a decision on the method to be made but all agreed to the following:

9/11 Message in a Bottle

Thursday 8 September 2011

An island resident made a timely and interesting discovery while out walking on the north side recently.

Launch of Rathlin Arpillera

Tuesday 23 August 2011

There was a very successful launch recently of the island's arpillera project in the Manor House.

Festival Week Pictures

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Below is a small selection of photos from this year's Festival Week. We are in the process of putting together an album of pics, so please enjoy these, and email any pics of your own. Thanks!

Photo Competition Reminder

Tuesday 23 August 2011

The 2011 Amateur Photographic Competition is getting close to its deadline of Friday 30th September. Below is the entry form - get those pictures in to be in with a chance of winning the first prize of £100!

"Betwixt and Between" on the BBC website

Monday 15 August 2011

The BBC website has recently started hosting five clips from the ever-popular 1957 documentary "Rathlin: The Island Betwixt and Between".

Rathlin Drama Group on the mainland

Monday 15 August 2011

The Rathlin Drama Group will be bringing this year's very successful productions of 'The End of the Beginning', and 'The Corner Shop' to Carey Hall on Sunday 21st August at 8.00pm. Tickets are £5 adults, £3 children. All welcome!

Rathlin Run 2011

Tuesday 19 July 2011

The 10th Anniversary Rathlin Run will be held in aid of the Belfast Activity Centre on Saturday 27th August.

Text from funeral service for Johnny Curry

Thursday 14 July 2011

Reproduced below with the kind permission of Catriona Blaney and Rev. Patrick Barton is the text of Rev. Barton's funeral sermon for Johnny Curry.

Photo Competition 2011

2010 Competition Winner: Johnny Mitchell, 'A Snowy Lower End'

Thursday 14 July 2011

Don't forget - with all this beautiful weather - the third annual Rathlin Amateur Photographic Competition is ongoing, with a closing date of Friday 30th September 2011.

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Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100375